Michael M Engagement Rings Review

You’ve decided to get engaged, started to browse the internet to see what options are available to you and found that most of the engagement rings that are available look very similar to each other. Yes, even though technology is advancing and the world itself is advancing, most jewelers tend to create engagement rings in the very same way that they have always been made. One particular reason why we see so many similar designs is because jewelers believe that these designs have always worked and they are still working – so why risk it and create something new. The Michael M. Collection is an exception to all of these jewelers as this designer did not consider the current designs in engagement rings a limit or restriction, but rather utilized his own creativity to come up with modern designs that are impressing people all over the entire world.

michael m. engagement ring

The Michael M. Ring Collection

The Michael M. Collection is a unique collection of engagement rings. The brand was originally started by Michael Meksian in 2008. All of the engagement rings that this brand sells have been handcrafted in a workshop that is owned by the brand in Los Angeles. The idea behind the Michael M Collection is that “some traditions can be broken” – instead of relying on the traditional designs of engagement rings, these designers rather take things a step further and creates pieces of jewelry that are truly unique to them. The engagement rings sold by this brand comes with a unique identity number, engraved on the inside. This does not only offer the buyer of the ring credibility that the ring is a real Michael M. Collection engagement ring, but also ensures they are eligible for the lifetime guarantee that this brand provides with every single purchase made from them.

The most obvious location to purchase Michael M. Collection engagement rings is directly on the brand’s official website. Here you can browse through their collections of rings and make a purchase when you find one that you like. If you prefer not to buy from their official online store, then you have more options available. Apart from their official website, their engagement rings can also be found at third-party online stores, including Kings1912 and Padis Gems – both stores have departments dedicated to this brand’s collection of engagement rings.

The founders of this brand did not only focus on making their products available to people that are looking to buy an engagement ring on the internet, but they have also provided a way for those who prefer to purchase such precious products at a physical location a solution. Numerous physical jewelry stores have been licensed to sell engagement rings that have been designed by this brand. It is relatively easy to find a store that sells jewelry that is part of the Michael M. Collection – potential clients simply needs to log on to the brand’s official website and navigate to the “Store Locator”. Here the potential client can enter their zip code to find a store near them or use the location feature to automatically locate the nearest jewelry store that sells this brand’s products.


While most jewelers – including some of the more famous brands – keep the designs of their engagement rings on par with the traditional designs of engagement rings, the Michael M. Collection has taken a different approach to designing engagement rings and came up with unique designs that you will not be able to find at any other jewelry brand. Here we’ve taken a look at what this brand is all about and what they offer. If you are looking for something that will surely impress, then this collection of jewelry is definitely a brand you would want to look at.