July Birthstone: The Red Ruby

Gemstones are classified into two different primary categories, which includes common gemstones and precious gemstones. Rubies are often considered the prime of the precious gemstone collection and can reach prices far beyond the scope of the average customer. According to Jewels Du Jour, some Rubies have been sold at over $1 Million per carat in weight, with one particular Ruby, known as the Burmese ruby, sold for a total of $30 Million. These gemstones have been deemed the birthstone for July. The Ruby gemstone is associated with love, mostly due to their vibrant red color, as well as with success. Let’s look at the history of the Ruby, as well as some essential facts to know about this precious gemstone.

The History Of The Ruby Gemstone

The first mentions of the Ruby gemstone have been tracked down to Asia, with records indicating that these July gemstones were traded in 200 B.C. along the North Silk Road of China. In the 1800s, the Ruby was officially classified as a corundum. Later on, in the 1900s, the imitation Ruby was officially synthesized. The ruby also made the production of the world’s first laser device possible, which was completed in 1960. It is important to note that in modern times, many Ruby mines have been depleted; thus the production of synthetically Rubies have become rather popular.

The Color Of The Ruby Gemstone

The July birthstone color is well-known, which is red. This particular attribute of these gemstones help with the determination of a price tag for a particular ruby. Rubies tend to vary in color, from lighter red colors to more vivid or darker and bloodier reds. These gemstones also tend to come across as somewhat transparent.

What The Ruby Gemstone Represents

The Ruby is thought to bring about protection to its wearer, with early findings suggesting that noblemen of China lined their armor with these gemstones to grant them with protection during battles. Additionally, it was also found that in ancient Chinese times, Rubies were buried beneath some buildings to help promote good fortune for the building on top. In ancient Hindu times, it was believed that offering Ruby gemstones to Krishna, a god in the Hindu religion, would return them as an emperor in their next lives. There are also some suggestions that warriors of Burma thought that Ruby gemstones were able to offer them invincibility during battles.

How The Price Of A Ruby Is Determined

The value of a Ruby gemstone is calculated in a very similar way as how Diamonds are graded. A gemstone appraiser will start by weighing the Ruby to obtain a reading on its carat weight. Thereafter, the appraiser will inspect the Ruby close-up by placing it under a special microscope. Here, the appraiser can observe the clarity and the color of the Ruby, as well as the cut quality. These aspects are often referred to as the “4Cs” – while the “4Cs” is most commonly associated with Diamonds, they are also used to grade a variety of other gemstones, including the Ruby.

In addition to utilizing the same 4Cs as the principal method of determining the value of a Ruby gemstone, it should also be noted that the geographic origin of a birthstones July plays a significant part in its value. Rubies sourced from certain parts of the world hold more value than others.


The Ruby gemstone is the birthstone of July. The gemstone is also often given to a couple on their 15th and 40th wedding anniversary rings. Renowned as one of the most valuable amongst the precious gemstone collection, the ruby gemstone prices often come with high tags, with some being sold for as much as $30 Million. Rubies are used in a variety of jewelry settings, ranging from rings to sets of earrings and more.