March birthstones: The Bloodstone And The Aquamarine

Most months have been associated with one singular gemstone, such as the Garnet representing people born in January. March, on the other hand, is often considered a special case, with two different gemstones being deemed the birthstones of this particular month. The Aquamarine gemstone has been deemed the primary birthstone of the month March, while the Bloodstone has also been associated with the birth of people in March, deemed the secondary Bloodstone. Both of these stones have a history of their own, as well as certain beliefs that makes them special to those born in March. Let’s take a closer look at each of these stones, including their Origins, believes and more.

The Aquamarine Gemstone

Aquamarine birthstones

The Aquamarine gemstone is the primary birthstone of people born in the month March. The stone features hues of blue, with march birthstone colors ranging from a cool blue towards a blue that contain hues of green. The stone is often seen to represent the beauty that a calm look represents, and is associated with relaxation and a calm spirit. The word “Aquamarine” has been derived from the Latin word “Aqua Marinus”, which translates to “water of the sea” in English.

The Wiki Gempedia explains that the Aquamarine is part of the Beryl family. More specifically, the Aquamarine is a blue Beryl. It has a chemical composition that consists of Beryllium Aluminum Silicate and the color of the gemstone can change when it contains iron.

The largest discovered Aquamarine gemstone weighed more than 240 pounds in total and was found in Brazil. This discovery was made in 1910. After being mined, over 100,000 carat of Aquamarine was cut from the stone.

On the Mohs hardness scale, the Aquamarine ranks eight, making it harder than the common Quartz stones and a very durable gemstone; thus it is suitable for placement in a large variety of jewelry settings and can also be placed in everyday jewelry in many cases.

The Bloodstone meaning


The secondary birthstone for march is known as the Bloodstone. The bloodstone is part of the Quartz gemstone family. The bloodstone is favored by David Beckham and is promoted to promote certain physical attributes, such as endurance. The Bloodstone is often found in a rusty red color, but is also available in a green color. There are also some Bloodstones that feature yellow hues. Note that the Bloodstone can also be found in translucent varieties, some featuring almost complete transparency.

The Bloodstone has been referred to as the Christ’s Stone and the Martyr’s Stone in history. In ancient Greek, the Bloodstone was called the heliotrope, which translates to “sunstone”. The first mentions of Bloodstones in history dates back to around 5000 years ago, with the bloodstone march birthstone being used as artifacts and decorative vessels.

Due to the fact that Bloodstones rock are often found in large deposits and they are quite abundant, the stones are relatively affordable. These stones can be found throughout the entire world. The stone is particularly popular amongst men due to its color, and is often used in men’s jewelry – with a special emphasis on men’s rings.

Similar to other Quartz, the Bloodstone is ranked between 6.5 and seven on the Mohs hardness scale. This makes the gemstone durable, but not suitable for everyday use in certain types of jewelry, such as rings. When fitted into a set of earrings or a pendant, everyday use may be appropriate.


Both the Aquamarine gemstone and the Bloodstone gem represents those born in March. These stones each has their own unique properties, representing calmness, relaxation and a boost in physical performance. While the Aquamarine is recognized for its higher rank on the Mohs hardness scale, the Bloodstone is often recognized for its translucency.